We are all prisoners of birth.
"....They are both oaks, even if they were planted in different forest. But then, m'lord, we all suffer in our different ways from being prisoners of birth."
A Prisoner of Birth, is a mystery novel by Jeffry Archer.A thrilling novel about Daniel Cartwright, an ordinary British citizen who are of no title, illiterate, and was misjudged. He was framed of killing his own friends, no body will believe him when the witness are a barrister, an aristocrat, an actor, and a successful estate agent.
I have to admit that, the dictionary are always within my reach, as there are so many words that I cannot understand.Here are some:
- lectern
- ponderous
- bleak
- barristers
- corroborated
- sordid
- heinous
- double whammy
- mauve
- convivial
- guv
- QC- Queen's Council
- Rt. Hon-Right Honourable
Reader will learn the way the British people conduct their proceedings in court.Their culture, and also about the absence of capital punishment in their law. The title 'Sir', is surprisingly inheritable, shall the father was given the title, and so is the son when the father die.
As the book say, we are all prisoners of birth, we suffer in many ways. A prison is the term used when one is not free. And one is not free to determine what will his fate be, in what family one was born, what races one is. And yet, we realize, we are all the same, we are human after all. Sadly, in some way, there are people who embrace this, this prison, that is when these people decide that someone should be solely judged by what race he is, and I dare say this people are many and so powerful, and so wise..yet they can't think that his skin colour, they race are not theirs to decide.
Ironically, I am under these advantage.