P2P stands for peers-to-peers. It is a very popular way to share files,(Movies, Music, Software and etc.)
A client is needed for file sharing: uTorrent, Azureus are among the popular bittorent client.
The problem is: STREAMYX/SCREAMYX from Tmnut does not allow this mass data transfer. They will able to detect this traffic and throttle it. This is what we call trafficshaping.This will result in very slow download speed. I will not wait a year for a movie to finish downloading.
The solution: A virtual private network will encode your traffic and Screamyx will not be able to detect it.High data transfer rate, and you will not have to wait for a year. (120kb/s) average.
But, you have to pay tough. In Malaysia, consider BolehVPN (http://www.bolehvpn.net/).
If u so cheap, try a 3 days trial for RM5.
How to pay? Deposit ur cash at Cash Deposit Machine at Maybank or CIMB if you do not want to see the makcik at the counter. Credit Card?Not needed.
Upload the scan/take a picture; of the transaction slip and email it to the guy at BolehVPN.
I've tried it. And still using the service till now since last year. Very very worth it.
I bought a 320GB HD last January. Now there are only 20GB free space left.
No need to go to Soon Cheong to buy some "Blu-Ray" DVD.or get the latest game for RM10 which you have a lot of trouble installing it.
Bagi sesiapa yang tidak faham..
contoh la: kau mk download satu album lagu.
besanya satu album lagu tok ada 14-16 lagu nak..
saiznya 250Mb kdakya.
Ne ada laman tempat kat internet nk kau boleh download lagu banyak ya sekaligus.
Mun ada pun lambat la.. 4 jam ka 5 jam ka..
Ya pun susah-susah mk carik lman web ya..
Jadi..kita guna la Torrent...
Tapi masalahnya kat Malaysia tok Torrent ya slow...sebab Streamyx sekat..
Menggunakan servis tok(Bolehvpn), kita boleh mengelakkan sekatan ya,
Sekaligus kita boleh download laju...
Aku dah try memang laju..
Kelebihan Torrent tok: kau boleh download apa2 jak nk kau mok.(you can download literally EVERYTHING..)ngn kau xda masalah mk carik file2 terbaru..
Besanya aku download Movie HD(High definition) nok besa2 nya pun saiz ya...(4GB-7GB)
Crita Korea Semua season pun ada bagi mereka yg meminati..ok...High Quality gitu...
Tapi, diingatkn Torrent tok menyebarkan data2 yg illegal dan melanggar undang2 hakcipta....
So..x bait..sokonglah artis2 lagu2 ya dengan membeli yg original.
Nothings come free..
Tapi masa sekarang tok banyak gilak musik di internet yang disebarkan secara haram..
Ish2.. lagu nk berkumandang di blog2 anda semua ya..kitakorang beli ka? ha!!
never knew
you were
such an
avid supporter
of eviil...
jk jk,
please don't hit me
ReplyDeleteaku pakey ARES..slow juak..tp, x setahun nunggu video..
(x setahun!!!)
torrent selooo.... kdg2 ok..kdg2 x..ares agiklah..papa ntah.. try 4shared.com..wlupun kureng lengkap..p sng ngn hepi jak dl..HAHAHA...adakah aq berKAITan ngn topik? ngehehe
ReplyDeleteokey. gitok.
ReplyDelete1 movie HD = 4GB, clear,
1 game=7GB, latest.
4GB , at 3kb\s = 1 tahun tgu kak..
tapi mun guna servis tok, 120kb/s, 2-3 hari...
Bas..sori tok out of topik..haha..! aku baru tauk maksud perkataan ya..eeeee...cridak..huhu...nyesal ku engkah...
ReplyDeleteaie...bas..aq dun andersten..hahaha...ju...explain gik!!
ReplyDeletengeh~bet aku beli roti john special.kihkih..:]
ReplyDeletecontoh la: kau mk download satu album lagu.
ReplyDeletebesanya satu album lagu tok ada 14-16 lagu nak..
saiznya 250Mb kdakya.
Ne ada laman tempat kat internet nk kau boleh download lagu banyak ya sekaligus.
Mun ada pun lambat la.. 4 jam ka 5 jam ka..
Ya pun susah-susah mk carik lman web ya..
Jadi..kita guna la Torrent...
Tapi masalahnya kat Malaysia tok Torrent ya slow...sebab Streamyx sekat..
Menggunakan servis tok(Bolehvpn), kita boleh mengelakkan sekatan ya,
Sekaligus kita boleh download laju...
Aku dah try memang laju..
Kelebihan Torrent tok: kau boleh download apa2 jak nk kau mok.(you can download literally EVERYTHING..)ngn kau xda masalah mk carik file2 terbaru..
Besanya aku download Movie HD(High definition) nok besa2 nya pun saiz ya...(4GB-7GB)
Crita Korea Semua season pun ada bagi mereka yg meminati..ok...High Quality gitu...
Tapi, diingatkn Torrent tok menyebarkan data2 yg illegal dan melanggar undang2 hakcipta....
So..x bait..sokonglah artis2 lagu2 ya dengan membeli yg original.
Nothings come free..
Tapi masa sekarang tok banyak gilak musik di internet yang disebarkan secara haram..
Ish2.. lagu nk berkumandang di blog2 anda semua ya..kitakorang beli ka? ha!!
beli2!!!25 sen..hahaha
ReplyDeleteUdah lah lagik ya Nooramad
ReplyDeletetorrent ssh la nk donlod! cerewet!! btol x?? aritu aku try, mcm ssh je. geheheh. aku ni smua susah. haihh :D ares sng.
ReplyDeleteares lambat..cuba dulu bru tau.
ReplyDeleteboleh repeat sik dari a sampai z???? hahahaha! saja mok nyusah kawu
repaet from start eh...