AVICENNA (980-1037)
Avicenna’s Poem on Medicine, transl. H.C. Krueger, Springfield 1963, pp. 14-57
Preface in Verse
Praise be to Allah, the Teacher, the Unique, Majesty of the Heavens, the Exalted, the
Glory be to Him, the Eternal Being who drew forth creatures from Nothingness.
He floods our minds with light to the point of having revealed to them that which was hidden.
In His goodness, He created man and gave him judgment and speech as privileges.
He allowedhim access to knowledge through the perceptions of his senses and, through reasoning, opened to him the invisible world.
The mind of man is bound to a living soul of which the existence is proved beyond all doubt.
Allah distributed judgment and senses among all men at the same time as life. But each one has his own character and in that His Marvellous Wisdom shines forth.
Thus, whoever has banished Ugliness from his soul has been able to acquire Virtue.
The arts and speech distinguish man from animal.
The best of men do good by accompanying it with courteous words, preoccupying themselves with the body, granting to it its rightful mirth.
Poets are the princes of the Word; physicians rule over the body.
The eloquence of the former rejoices the soul; the devotion of the latter cures illnesses. In this
poem is included all Theoretical and Practical Medicine.
And here I am, putting into verse all I know of this science.
Ibn Sinna (Avicenna)
Monday, March 30, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Ticky Time Ticking..
Time is ticking, ( what do i care? )
Time,time is ticking ticking. ( For the end is sure to come. )
Time is ticking ( The swift blades of centuries past, strikes the present )
Time,time is ticking away. ( And we bow, to it's never-ending passage ).
Antologi Kritis Bumi.
Thursday, March 26, 2009

P2P stands for peers-to-peers. It is a very popular way to share files,(Movies, Music, Software and etc.)
A client is needed for file sharing: uTorrent, Azureus are among the popular bittorent client.
The problem is: STREAMYX/SCREAMYX from Tmnut does not allow this mass data transfer. They will able to detect this traffic and throttle it. This is what we call trafficshaping.This will result in very slow download speed. I will not wait a year for a movie to finish downloading.
The solution: A virtual private network will encode your traffic and Screamyx will not be able to detect it.High data transfer rate, and you will not have to wait for a year. (120kb/s) average.
But, you have to pay tough. In Malaysia, consider BolehVPN (http://www.bolehvpn.net/).
If u so cheap, try a 3 days trial for RM5.
How to pay? Deposit ur cash at Cash Deposit Machine at Maybank or CIMB if you do not want to see the makcik at the counter. Credit Card?Not needed.
Upload the scan/take a picture; of the transaction slip and email it to the guy at BolehVPN.
I've tried it. And still using the service till now since last year. Very very worth it.
I bought a 320GB HD last January. Now there are only 20GB free space left.
No need to go to Soon Cheong to buy some "Blu-Ray" DVD.or get the latest game for RM10 which you have a lot of trouble installing it.
Bagi sesiapa yang tidak faham..
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Ipod Dock Repaired
First of all, my apologies to Pjah, Zahid, 'Inayat, Adilah, Fan, Arshad, Aryne, Acat, Joe and others for; If you found out, there are no link to your blog on this page.
I don't know why and how, it just gone. If I have some spare time, I'll waste it by copy-and-pasting it to My Blog widget.
I also met Dinie and Syuhadah at Bintang Plaza today.
Anyway, I went to Optiprimus today to claim the Ipod Shuffle dock which I sent for repair last fortnight. Since the warranty is still valid, it's free of charge.
I think they did not repair it, they just replace it with a new one, but without the box.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Learning JAVA
In other countries, children aged 12 years old can perform a simple programming using JAVA or C++ language.
I think I'm not too old to start from now.
I bought this book from Popular yesterday. After that I went bowling with Zahid and the others from Kolej. I'm not good at bowling. Some of them bring their younger brothers and, I tell you they are very good at it, I mean their younger brothers. Many times better than us.
Monday, March 16, 2009
IBS College
Today is my last day in IBS college before I sit for the final exam on the 25th. I'm only a short course student there, taking Intensive English.
I improve a lot in my English together with my fellow Zahid. Mdam Sheila George and Miss Tang have helped us a lot. Also thanks to Siva, Andrew, Hee King Mee, Zaza, Fiza, Jennifer, Yong Mei Yi, Daniel and Karen, and Mr. Jamali and Mdam Kamsiah, also Dr. Antony Hii. Also thanks to other which I forgot their names, and sorry in case I wrongly spelled your name.
Career Expo in Pustaka Miri
Choosing a career is not easy, I always have trouble filling up the blanks for 'Ambition' in my report cards.
When you know your SPM results, you'll be in dilemma choosing your path. Refer your English Literature books from the old day(if I may say so)- The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost and you'll understand what I mean.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
The White Tiger, A Novel.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
My SPM Results !- nang nyaman~
Welcome to Liberty City!!
Other than driving madly, hitting people and running amok, Grand Theft Auto 4 offer a realistic graphics and a living city to explore. Starring Niko Bellic, you start from a scratch as you climb to the top of the food chain.
I get a copy of mine for RM140, used one from a guy in Kajang trough eBay. In Miri, the price tag will be no less than RM200. I checked the price in Bintang Plaza. There are three stores there, the price range from RM200-Rm230. In Lelong, it will cost you about RM180 excluding of shipping.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Twice is not enough-Dah x nyaman dah..
Such a bad day that I decided to publish this blog,
I will attend my third JPJ test on the 24th. That's right, the THIRD one.
Shall I fail the upcoming test, my L license will expired.
Decided to post in English, so the whole world can understand this. More audience eh, the more the merrier.
I will attend my third JPJ test on the 24th. That's right, the THIRD one.
Shall I fail the upcoming test, my L license will expired.
Decided to post in English, so the whole world can understand this. More audience eh, the more the merrier.
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contoh la: kau mk download satu album lagu.
besanya satu album lagu tok ada 14-16 lagu nak..
saiznya 250Mb kdakya.
Ne ada laman tempat kat internet nk kau boleh download lagu banyak ya sekaligus.
Mun ada pun lambat la.. 4 jam ka 5 jam ka..
Ya pun susah-susah mk carik lman web ya..
Jadi..kita guna la Torrent...
Tapi masalahnya kat Malaysia tok Torrent ya slow...sebab Streamyx sekat..
Menggunakan servis tok(Bolehvpn), kita boleh mengelakkan sekatan ya,
Sekaligus kita boleh download laju...
Aku dah try memang laju..
Kelebihan Torrent tok: kau boleh download apa2 jak nk kau mok.(you can download literally EVERYTHING..)ngn kau xda masalah mk carik file2 terbaru..
Besanya aku download Movie HD(High definition) nok besa2 nya pun saiz ya...(4GB-7GB)
Crita Korea Semua season pun ada bagi mereka yg meminati..ok...High Quality gitu...
Tapi, diingatkn Torrent tok menyebarkan data2 yg illegal dan melanggar undang2 hakcipta....
So..x bait..sokonglah artis2 lagu2 ya dengan membeli yg original.
Nothings come free..
Tapi masa sekarang tok banyak gilak musik di internet yang disebarkan secara haram..
Ish2.. lagu nk berkumandang di blog2 anda semua ya..kitakorang beli ka? ha!!